Tablelands Community Support
Tablelands Community Support offers a range of services to assist older people and people living with a disability to remain in their homes as long as possible.
We offer services under a consumer directed model. We focus on your choices and your right to determine the supports that you access. We want to help you to remain independent and we can offer a vast range of services across the New England region.
How can I get help at home?
What help is available?
You may be eligible to receive services such as:
- Help at home personal care assistance with showering, dressing and other care;
- Meals and help with cooking;
- Household jobs like cleaning and gardening;
- Allied health services like physiotherapy and podiatry;
- Equipment like walking frames, wheelie walkers, shower chairs and wheelchairs;
- Going out shopping, paying bills, banking;
- Social support groups - Elders Aboriginal Social group meeting weekly;
- Short-term help when you have had a setback and want to get your independence back, recovery from an accident or illness, including after a hospital stay when you or your carer needs a break (respite care);
- Care in an aged care home. If you find you need ongoing help with day-to-day tasks or health care, an aged care home lets you live in a supported environment where help is available 24 hours a day.
Who is eligible?
You may be eligible for Australian Government funded aged care services if you’re an older person (usually 65+ or 50+ for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people) finding it harder to do the things you used to do. You will need to have a face-to-face assessment of your care needs to find out if you are eligible. Everyone who has an assessment through My Aged Care and is found to need services, is eligible to access services that: may be partly or fully funded by the Australian Government; and are regulated by the Australian Government. If you’re not assessed as eligible, or are waiting for services, you can access privately funded services at any time.
Call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 or call the TCS office 6778 6350. You can also visit the My Aged Care website.
Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP)
The CHSP delivers the entry-level tier of support in an increasingly responsive, integrated and client-centred aged care service system. It is designed to provide a relatively small amount of care and support to a large number of frail older people to help them to remain living at home and in their communities.
CHSP services can be delivered on a short-term, episodic or ongoing basis. It has a strong focus on activities that support independence and social connectedness and provides more choice to consumers.
What services can you receive under CHSP?
- Allied Health and Therapy Services
- Domestic Assistance
- Goods, Equipment and Assistive Technology
- Home Maintenance
- Meals
- Personal Care
- Social Support-Individual
- Social Support-Group
- Flexible Respite

Home Care Packages (HCP)
The Home Care Packages Program provides older people who want to stay at home with access to a range of ongoing personal services, support services and clinical care that help them with their day-to-day activities. The program is part of the Australian Government’s continuum of care for older people in Australia.
To be eligible for a Home Care Package you will need to be assessed by ACAT (Aged Care Assessment Team) and they will assess you your needs and level of Home Care Package.
The benefit of a home care package is that your home care provider will work with you to:
- Choose care and services that best meet your needs and goals;
- Manage your care and services.
There are four levels of home care packages to help meet the different levels of care needs.
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
- Level 4
During your aged care assessment, your assessor will discuss your current care needs and determine the best level to meet them.

Home Care Package Prices
Click here to view our Home Care Package Fees 2025(PDF, 216KB)
TCS Bundarra
TCS Bundarra provides Social Support Group and other services in Bundarra for people eligible for CHSP services. For more information regarding services call 6778 3650 and speak to Manager, Janine Johnson or email
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
We provide individualised services under the NDIS to meet your needs and your carers. We provide services in your plan so you make the choices that will help you live the life you really want. We will strive to assist you to live independently and access the community.
Services offered under the NDIS:
- Assistance with Daily Activities
- Household Tasks
- Participation in community, social and civic activities
For more information regarding services, please call 6778 6350 or email us at
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Audit
In April this year, the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission conducted an audit of Tablelands Community Support (TCS). The report identified 3 areas of non-compliance against the Australian Government’s 8 Aged Care Quality Standards.
Council was proactive in submitting a Quality Improvement Plan to the Commission, identifying how non-compliance will be addressed, and nominating 31 August 2024 as the completion date for TCS to return to compliance. The Commission accepted Council’s proposed plan on 14 June 2024.
Until further evidence is provided by TCS to the Commission to show that any non-compliance against the Aged Care Quality Standards has been remediated, the findings of non-compliance for Uralla Shire Council, namely Tablelands Community Support, remain current.
The full performance report can be accessed here:
Any questions or concerns should be addressed in writing to The Director, Corporate & Community at Uralla Shire Council and emailed to