How to pay your rates and charges
Annual Instalment Due Dates
General Rates
Rates must be either paid in full by August 31, or in instalments by the dates noted below:
- Instalment 1 - 31 August
- Instalment 2 - 30 November
- Instalment 3 - 28 February
- Instalment 4 - 31 May
Water Charges
Water billing occurs twice per year in May and November. Notices are generally issued by mid-month with payment due 30 days from issue date.
Council access to your water meter: A reminder to all ratepayers and residents
Council relies on accurate and timely water meter readings to make sure you are billed correctly. As our customer, you can help us with this by allowing us access to your water meter so we can record your water use and replace your water meter when required.
Council staff may not be able to read your meter if it’s behind a locked gate or unsafe to enter the property. 
Hazards that may prevent our meter readers accessing the meter include:
- there is a dog
- buried in concrete or dirt
- overgrown grass, garden or vegetation
It is important to provide clear access to and around your water meter to read, repair or replace it. Please ensure there is 1 metre clearance either side of your water meter and 2 metres above it for Council staff to safely access you meter.
If Council cannot safely gain access to your water meter to obtain a reading, we may have to estimate your usage.
An estimate based on the property’s previous usage pattern. For future reads, an actual meter reading will try to be obtained again, and if successful the actual usage is taken and billed to ensure you have only been billed for what you have used.
Overdue rates and charges will incur an interest charge of 10.5% per annum (1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025).
Emailing of Rates Notices and Water and Sewerage Charge Notices
Rates and Water Notices can now be accessed online for notices issued in October 2019 onwards. Please visit and register using the unique eNotices reference number which appears on your notice. You are encouraged to opt-in for notices to be emailed as this will reduce postage costs for Council and is better for the environment. You can still access notices online for misplaced notices even if you prefer to receive notices by post.
Council offers ratepayers a number of payment options for the payment of rates and charges.
By Phone
Call our Customer Service desk at (02) 6778 6300 to make a payment with your VISA or MasterCard. A credit card surcharge applies.
By Mail
You can mail your cheque or money order made payable to Uralla Shire Council along with the deposit slip portion on the bottom of your rates notice to PO Box 106, Uralla NSW 2358.
Contact your participating financial institution to make this payment directly from your savings or cheque account.
You will need to quote the biller code and reference number shown on the front of your rate or instalment notice.
POST Billpay
Pay your account with POST Billpay either by phone, internet or in person. You will need to quote the billpay code and reference number shown on the front of your rates notice.
Telephone: Call 13 18 16 for payment by credit card, or after you have registered, from your cheque or savings account.
Internet: Visit the POST Billpay website at
In Person: Take your rates notice to any Australia Post agency. Payments can be made by cash, cheque, EFTPOS, or credit card.
At Our Service Desk
You are welcome to visit Council's Administration Office at 32 Salisbury Street, Uralla for payments by cash, cheque, EFTPOS, or credit card (accepted cards are VISA and Mastercard. A credit card surcharge will apply.)
Our office hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. Our Customer Service is closed for lunch from 1:00pm to 2:00pm.
Please present your rates notice when making payment.