Council Meeting Schedule
At its Ordinary Meeting held 22 August 2023, Uralla Shire Council resolved to adopt its schedule of Ordinary Meetings for 2023-2024 as follows:
- Tuesday 26 September 2023
Audio recordings of all meetings are made available to the public and can be accessed on the Business Agendas and Minutes page.
At the end of a meeting agenda there may a closed session at which the public is excluded where Council can discuss confidential matters, such as business which is commercial in confidence. Those matters are listed in the business agenda with the reason that the matter is proposed to be discussed in closed session.
Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of the month, excepting December and May in which the meeting is held on the 3rd Tuesday. No meeting is held in January.
Meetings commence at 4:00pm and are held at the Uralla Shire Council Chambers at 32 Salisbury Street, Uralla unless notice is provided otherwise.
All meetings are open to the public.
Public Forum
The Council may hold a Public Forum with each Ordinary meeting for the purpose of hearing oral submissions from members of the public at the meeting on items of business to be considered a the meeting.
To speak at a Public Forum a person must first make an application to the Council by contacting the General Manager's Executive Assistant no later than the day prior to the meeting. Read more about addressing Council on our Speak at a Council Meeting page.