Section 355 Committees and Boards of Management

Under Section 355 of the Local Government Act 1993, Council is able to delegate some of its functions to a committee of Council.

Council currently operates three Section 355 Committees.


    The Australia Day Committee is established for the primary purpose of:

    1. planning, organising and implementing an annual celebration of Australia Day activities, the Australian Citizenship Ceremony and the Australia Day Awards within Uralla Shire.

    2. delivering a safe, inclusive and enjoyable community event to celebrate Australia Day within available budget resources.


    The term of the committee shall operate from the date Counci adopts the terms of reference and will conclude six(6) month after the date of the next Council election, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the terms of reference linked below.

    2024-2028 Councillor Representatives for the Australia Day Committee are:

    • Cr S Burrows
    • Cr T O'Connor


    Australia Day Committee Terms of Reference(PDF, 607KB)

    The Bundarra School of Arts Hall and Community Consultative Committee is established for the purpose of:

    • Managing the Bundarra School of Arts Hall; and
    • Providing advice to and working with Council for the benefit of Bundarra and the surrounding community on various community issues and projects from time to time.

    Committee Terms of Reference

    The Bundarra School of Arts Hall and Community Consultative Committee Terms of Reference is available in Council's Policy and Documents Library via the link below.

    Bundarra School of Arts Hall and Community Consultative Committee Terms of Reference

    2024-28 Councillor Representatives:

    • Cr L Doran
    • Cr J Philp

    The Uralla Township and Environs Committee (UTEC) is established for the purpose of providing strategic advice to Council on the future development and redevelopment of public spaces in and near the township of Uralla.


    Uralla Township & Environs Committee (UTEC) Meeting Schedule(PDF, 77KB)

    Agenda - General Meeting - 12 August 2024(PDF, 92KB)

    Agenda - General Meeting - 1 July 2024(PDF, 112KB)

    Agenda - Quarterly Meeting - 3 June 2024(PDF, 109KB)

    Agenda - General Meeting - 6 May 2024(PDF, 90KB)

    Agenda - General Meeting - 8 April 2024(PDF, 93KB)

    Agenda - Quarterly Meeting - 4 March 2024(PDF, 569KB)

    Agenda - General Meeting - 5 February 2024(PDF, 627KB)

    Agenda - Quarterly Meeting - 4 December 2023(PDF, 132KB)

    Agenda - General Meeting - 6 November 2023(PDF, 112KB)


    Minutes of Meetings

    Meeting - General Meeting - 2 September 2024(PDF, 115KB)

    Minutes - General Meeting - 12 August 2024(PDF, 100KB)

    Minutes - General Meeting - 1 July 2024(PDF, 119KB)

    Minutes - General Meeting - 6 May 2024(PDF, 95KB)

    Minutes - General Meeting - 8 April 2024(PDF, 103KB)

    Minutes - Quarterly Meeting - 4 March 2024(PDF, 132KB)

    Minutes - Extraordinary General Meeting - 19 February 2024(PDF, 102KB)

    Minutes - General Meeting- 5-February-2024(PDF, 635KB)

    Minutes - General Meeting - 8 January 2024(PDF, 104KB)

    Minutes - Quarterly Meeting - 4 December 2023(PDF, 132KB)

    Minutes - General Meeting - 2 October 2023(PDF, 114KB)

    Minutes - Quarterly Meeting - 4 September 2023(PDF, 288KB)


    Uralla Township and Environs Committee (UTEC) - Terms of Reference

    As stated in the Committee Terms of Reference above, the objectives of the Uralla Town and Environs Committee are to:

    • Provide guidance to Council for the implementation of public space related planning, design and management;
    • Provide advice to Council on current and emerging issues for public spaces, including issues related to, but not limited to access for people with a disability, leisure, education, economic, cultural, social and environmental aspects;
    • Provide advice on matters strategically relevant to public spaces as required by Council including, but not limited to, development and implementation of Council’s Open Spaces Strategy and Pedestrian and Access Mobility Plan (PAMP);
    • Participate in consultative forums initiated by Council for the purpose of informing and seeking feedback from the community; and
    • Provide clear recommendations and advice to Council based on the skills, knowledge and experience of the Community members.

    UTEC minutes can be viewed in the relevant Council meeting business paper: Agendas, Business Papers & Minutes


    2024-2028 Councillor Representatives:

    • Cr L Petrov
    • Cr K Arnold