Uralla Old Court House Adaptive Reuse
- Project typeInfrastructure
- Project value$925,000
- Project scheduleRestoration works commencing December 2021
- Completion Date30 June 2023
Council has received a grant of $925,000 through Stage Two of the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund co-funded by the NSW State and Australian Federal Governments for the restoration of the Uralla Old Court House and adaptive reuse of the historic building.
Restoration works will include asbestos removal, roof repairs, flooring, electrical and kitchen renewals, as well as the installation of solar, fencing, and more to meet health and safety standards and enable the building to be repurposed for future use.
This is an exciting project with many social, economic, and environmental benefits for the Uralla Shire community.
There are many examples of former court houses being adaptively re-used. Some new uses for these buildings have included professional office space, commercial uses, and community museums.
Uralla Old Court House Image Gallery
Project Update
Restoration works commenced in December 2021 and are scheduled to be completed by May 2023.
Council would like to thank the members of the community who provided valuable feedback through the survey on the adaptive reuse of the Uralla Old Court House. The survey results showed the respondents preferred the building should be used as community event space.
In order to make the space as functional as possible it is proposed to:
- Remove two of the three toilets in the current outdoor area and construct accessible amenities.
- Install a kitchen / bar.
- Repaint all indoor walls and install new carpet.
- Either partially or fully cover the existing unroofed outdoor area on the eastern side of the building so that it can be used in inclement weather, and
- Remove the built-in at the front of the building and return this area to its original state.
A progress report on the Uralla Courthouse refurbishment project was presented to the 26 July 2022 Ordinary Council meeting. The progress report and attachments as presented to Council can be downloaded through the link below:
Report to Council Item 15.2: Report on works at the Uralla Courthouse Refurbishment
Council resolved to lay the report on works at the Uralla Courthouse refurbishment motion on the table pending further information before consideration at a future Council (possibly an Extraordinary) Meeting.
Council has not yet determined the use of the Old Court House spaces once refurbished, or the fit-out and adaptive re-use of the Court House.
Courthouse Refurbishment Architectural Advice
The architectural advice relating to the Uralla Old Courthouse refurbishment project can be viewed or downloaded through the link below.
Uralla Courthouse Architectural Advice
Council Reports and Minutes
23 March 2021 Notice of Motion Item 16.4 - Uralla Court House
MOTION Moved: Cr Toomey / Seconded: Cr Bell
- That Council endorses the application for funding of $925,000 for the refurbishment of the Uralla Courthouse under the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund subject to:
a. That the full cost of lodging the application for the $925,000 grant for the refurbishment of the Uralla Court House (referred to in Councillor Bulletin January 29 2021) along with the internal source of the funding to prepare the application and the name of the grant applied for;
b. That the details of this application for grant funding in relation to the Court House be provided to Council in a manner that can be provided to our community, including plans and proposed use;
2. That Council does not submit applications for grants for capital work without Council approval;
3. Council prioritises their time on funding and developing the industrial land.
35.03/21 CARRIED
Project Funding
This project is co-funded by the NSW State and Australian Federal Governments through Stage Two of the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund. To learn more about Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Stage 2 projects, please visit the Regional NSW website.

Do you have questions about this project? Please contact Council using our online form, via email at council@uralla.nsw.gov.au or telephone our Customer Service Centre on (02) 6778 6300.
Contact details
Uralla Shire Council
02 6778 6300
9A Hill Street, Uralla 2358 View Map
9A Hill Street ,
Uralla 2358
9A Hill Street ,
Uralla 2358
Uralla Old Court House Adaptive Reuse